To the Prospective Indian Grooms

So you’re a prospective Indian groom in the arranged marriage market. Well, you’ve landed at the right page because coming up is some gyaan that will come in handy the next time you go on an arranged date. Inspired by Aditi’s Things She Did Not Say, here are a few of my own words, meant for different … [Read more…]

NorthEastFestival – 2015


NorthEastFestival 2015 is a riot of culture, cuisines and colors. I happened to visit and came back longing for a trip to the far East. Here’s a glimpse of what’s in store at the festival and maybe some inspiration to visit.  Sacred Mantras entangled in colors of faith pouring through evening make a very pretty picture. High … [Read more…]

Rakshabandhan Round The Corner

It is that time of the year again when women across India struggle to find the perfect Rakhi for their not-so-perfect brothers. Once all the drama of getting up and going to the market to get those shiny threads is over, there comes the task of wrapping them up, adding some words of love to … [Read more…]