Not A Happy Ending

When Yash Chopra declared he is not going to make movies anymore, a part of me died forever, with no real hopes of revival. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I’ve grown up watching his films with larger than life love stories and it was painful to know that all of it was coming to … [Read more…]

बस यूँही

उसने पूछा आज जल्दी कैसे आ गई,पहला लैक्चर तो फ्री है।मैने कहा,बस यूँहीकौन समझाऐ,कि सुबह सुबह तुम्हे देखना था।उसने पूछाब्रेकफास्ट करके क्यों नहीं आई?मैने कहा,बस यूँहीकौन समझाऐ,कि साथ में ब्रेकफास्ट करना चाहती थी।उसने पूछाआज तो तुम्हारे दोस्त नहीं आएँगे,फिर क्यों कौलेज आई?मैने कहा,बस यूँहीकौन समझाऐ,कि उनसे नहीं तुमसे मिलने आई ।उसने पूछाकौलेज आकर भी क्लास … [Read more…]

Sirs and Hers

She was quite different from her usual self whenever she was with him…But she never wanted to acknowledge this fact.Not yet,she thought.Each day,she was witnessing an intensifying scuffle within herself.The best way out she knew was to keep herself buzy and not let the mind or the heart wonder.But she also wanted to force an … [Read more…]