Why Diu? Because, Festa De Diu!

Festa de Diu

Soon, it’s going to be that time of the year again when all I want to do is hibernate. Dilli Ki Sardi might be charming and fascinating to people, but I am someone who is rather happy during the hot sunny days. So, every year I plan to escape the cold, dark and depressing days and … [Read more…]

To Let the Lesser Lights Glow.

(c) Akanksha Dureja The Sun sets To let the lesser lights glow And let them bask  In false glory Which isn’t theirs But, of the night.  The dark beckons As eternity clads itself In a grey-black veil And I sit back to ponder About meaningless escapades Conjuring.  The light-bulbs Far far away Flicker to the tunes  … [Read more…]