lebua Lucknow – Year 1936 Preserved in a Heritage Haveli

It is hard to believe that for a city as intertwined with history and culture as Lucknow, there is literally a single property in town that qualifies as a ‘heritage stay’. I assumed it to be an exaggeration when a staff member at Lebua Saraca Estate mentioned this bit of information about the property.Turns out, this was no … [Read more…]

A Heritage Trail Through Hyderabad

Summer has to be my favourite time of the year, even though I live in Delhi. Regardless of the unbearable heat and dust all around, there’s something so calming about it that makes me feel at peace. Now, that the season has almost slipped away and time has come to pack up summer dresses, shorts … [Read more…]

Brunch with Hyatt Social Sundays

Hyatt Social Sundays

A laid back Sunday morning slowly melting into noon and aromas from mum’s kitchen waking me up is the definition of perfect. And, just in case it’s raining, that’ll add to the charm. Sunday brunches are special, whether at home alone, with friends or family. I have never been a morning person, and given a choice, … [Read more…]