Canoe Safari At Satpura Forests with Forsyth Lodge

Canoe Safari Satpura

There are times when I come back home from a vacation but my heart refuses to believe that it’s back to the city. It delves deep into memories of a wonderful place, of a time well spent and creates a beautiful nostalgia for me. When I visited Satpura last month, I knew it was more … [Read more…]

Forsyth Lodge Satpura – Luxury In Nature’s Lap

Forsyth Lodge

Some stories span through multiple blog-posts and Satpura Tiger Reserve sure falls into that category. Forsyth Lodge Satpura invited me to experience luxury in the middle of a jungle along with multiple safaris into the forest. Wanderlust touched new dimensions with this one, with me finally venturing into a day of solo travel as well. Satpura remains … [Read more…]

Exploring Satpura Forests with Forsyth Lodge


It’s hard being a travel blogger and work full time. Every time there comes a travel opportunity, I have to dig up excuses to skip work and let the heart and soul indulge. Though the guilt piles on and on but it suddenly vanishes the day I stare out of my airplane or train window. 2015 … [Read more…]